#19, Street 209,

Phnom Penh Cambodia.

Leading Electrical Solution in Cambodia

Events & News

ATS joining the EuroCham CSR Contest Awards 2019

ATS have been successfully shortlisted for the EuroCham CSR Contest Award 2019. Our action to promote resopnsible behaviors and sutainable growth will be spotlighted during the Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony in June 2019.

The purpose of the contest is beyond showcasing the achievements and contributions of corporate members, EuroCham aspires to have a transformative impact on the Cambodian private sector and its attitudes towards CSR. This will only be achieved in collaboration with all stakeholders. We are very excited to be part of the contest!

For more information, please check out the link: here

As a leading electrical and automation solution supplier in Cambodia, ATS was established in 2007 to provide safe, efficient and innovative energy solutions, for a brighter and cleaner world.

Contact us

  • ATS Cambodia

    #19, Street 209 Phnom Penh Cambodia

  • +855 (0)23 222 411

  • Weekdays  : 08:30 – 17:30
    Saturday     : 08:30 – 12:00
    Sunday        : Closed


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