ATS was nominee in the CSR Eurocham Contest
As a major player in the energy market in Cambodia, we are committed to reduce our energy consumption and to promote energy efficiency among our staff and customers.We take action in our offices by improving our building efficiency and by training our teams to be energy efficient. By raising awareness, we want to change minds and to help people acting green.
Energy Efficiency Lab
We turned our offices in an Energy Efficiency Lab, by experimenting energy efficient solutions such as automated ventilation system, LED lighting or motion sensors. Then, thanks to our Energy Monitoring System, we analyze the improvements made, especially the energy we saved and the ROI of our potential investments. Finally, we promote our solutions to our customers.

Winning teams for April, May and June
Start Acting Green Contest
We launched an internal contest aimed at promoting energy efficiency among our staff, especially by changing their behaviors. Thanks to our Energy Monitoring System (EMS), we are able to measure the electric consumption of A/C, lighting and outlets in our offices. We can therefore follow the improvements we made, day by day. Each month, the eco-friendliest team is rewarded with a prize. We also organize training and awareness sessions for our staff to show them how to implement daily actions to easily save energy. With this contest, we aim to save up to 20% of energy.Leading The Market
ATS is a profitable and growing market
leader in Cambodia with Electrical
Distribution & Industrial control.
Adding Value
Accessible, Adaptable and Innovative:
- Adding value for our customers
Social Responsibility
A coherent Organization which:
- Demonstrate responsible citizenship
and protect the environment
ATS Company Overview
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